Questions to be Asking a Moving Company: Get The Moving Details

Questions to ask the moving company:

  • Who is going to be packing the moving boxes? Ask about liability for owner packed boxes.
  • Can cartons from liquor stores/grocery stores be used?
  • Should all owner packed boxes be sealed and labelled?
  • If crossing borders, are any special inventories required?
  • Are there any seasonal moving discounts and are there better moving prices at certain times of the month?
  • If a deposit is required, how much is it? Will it be refunded if a move is cancelled?
  • What are the policies and terms and conditions for the moving companies? If something is damaged will the give replacement value protection or will they give you a reduced amount for older items?

Ferguson Moving & Storage Company are experienced movers who knows what is important for customers. Contact us if you require a moving quote or storage solutions.

Moving Tips

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