Coquitlam movers explore ideas on how to move pet birds and bird collections

Ideas on how to move pet birds and bird collections

As Coquitlam movers, we’ve seen a lot of families move with their pets. Each can have their own unique situation and requirements. These can depend on the type of animal and the distance they’re moving, plus the type of transport they require.

However, with pet birds, the cage to cage transfer, or moving with pet birds, is not as simple as asking your dog, Rover, to hop in the car. Birds can be sensitive creatures with specific needs for relocation.

Some people also have more than one pet bird living in a birdcage somewhere in Coquitlam. When you are moving in or out of Coquitlam, and if you have an aviary or a bird collection living in your yard, this gets more complicated. Bird breeders, for example, may have a hard time moving if their eggs are in need of incubation, or if the timing is not right in another way.

Below we’ll give some advice on moving with pet birds or bird collections.

Always have a contingency plan for an easy move-out if you are breeding or housing several birds

Recently local British Columbia news showed the story of a bird sanctuary that created a parrot refuge crisis in the province. The owner passed away and there was no back up plan for moving out the birds or caring for them. Other local organizations had to step in, and even the government had to help find a temporary home for the birds. But volunteers were maxed out.

If this situation taught bird owners and breeders anything, it is that birds needs a lot of care when moving! Moving with birds can mean they can harm themselves, plus get agitated easily. They also need food and veterinary care. And, they can’t go to anyone: new adoptees need to understand what they’re doing.

Know the laws required when moving with your pet birds

Animals can’t just cross borders without documentation and checks. They also can’t always ride next to you on public transport options like airplanes. Keep in mind that you will need to do research to find out if there are wildlife restrictions on owning certain types of birds, before you move.

Keep your pet bird happy while moving from home to home

Before you move your pet bird or bird collection on moving day, you’ll need to do some things in advance. This can’t be a last minute plan, especially if you are moving far away.

Articles on the web recommend:

  • Letting your bird get used to a new environment, like being in a bird carrier instead of a cage or aviary.

  • Letting your bird get used to new food and drink options.

  • Helping the bird avoid car sickness with a fabric over the cage, or by taking it on rides before moving day.

  • Making sure your bird doesn’t fly away if you do take it out of its carrier for a break (wing clipping will likely be necessary).

  • Keeping toys away from the bird carrier so they don’t become dangerous to the bird en route.

  • Finding hotels that allow for animals, so you bird doesn’t have to stay in your car overnight.

  • Looking for direct flights to ease the transition process for your bird, or otherwise find animal-friendly areas during a stop over.

Here is one article explaining the “Top Ten” list for moving with pet birds via road trip.

And here is an extensive guide on 4 ways to move with your pet bird from WikiHow.

Consider hiring a professional pet moving service

While Coquitlam movers can help you move your belongings, they don’t always specialize in moving animals. For that you may want to consider a professional petcourier or mover. Yes, they exist! And they can also aid you with the right documentation and processes for moving long distances.

Here is a page of one of these providers that explains why you might benefit from their expertise:

And here are some stories of birds who have made the move with their human families. We thought this might put you at ease, knowing it’s been done before. Or, it inspire you on ideas for moving with your pet bird.

Have a home ready for birds when you move in

This means you’ll need to pre-plan for a careful cage-to-cage transfer by letting your bird either hop into its new cage on its own (if it’s afraid), or transporting your bird into its cage with your hands (using safety precautions).

But this also means the setup has to be done before the bird arrives. Not only that, but the first part of the move may be best for the bird if its cage looks familiar, as noted in an article linked to above. Remember, birds are sensitive, and can scare easily.

After this, you may want to consider an aviary, especially if you have the space. They can be larger, funner spaces for birds, especially if they are the type that can live outside.

Here is an article on how to build an aviary when moving into a new home with your pet bird.

And here is an article on how to build a bird cage, taking care to use materials that make birds feel at home.

To conclude: don’t let moving with birds stress you out!

We realize it’s hard to imagine your little pet bird being distraught from the move and the unfamiliar surroundings it’s going to face. However, following precautions such as those listed above, and the linked articles we’ve shared, should help. Being prepared is what seems to matter most. Moving a bird should definitely not be thought of as a last-minute ‘quick’ thing to prep for. It may take more preparation than the actual packing for moving day!

If you need a professional moving company, give Ferguson Moving and Storage a call at 604-922-2212 or request a quote online through our website!

Moving Tips

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