Movers in North Vancouver give ideas for preparing and moving garden plants

When thinking of relocation and moving to or from North Vancouver, it may be difficult to leave behind a beautiful home you have put a lot of time and effort into. If you have a green thumb, you will probably wish you could bring your whole garden with you! Unfortunately, there arenโ€™t any North Vancouver moving companies that will be able to pick up your yard and move it with all your other things, like they could with a shed or heavy tools. However, we do have some tips to help you move your favourite plants to begin a beautiful garden in your new home.

Prep your plants for their move in North Vancouver or elsewhere!

No matter what size your plants are, or what type of container they are in, make sure you water them before they are moved. This will keep the soil moist and the roots happy, which will help to reduce the shock of moving. If you are moving smaller plant pots, it is also best to transport them in your own vehicle instead of theย moving truck. However, if you have larger plants, have your North Vancouver movers put them in the moving truck last so that they can be unloaded first.

In another article on our moving blog, we mentioned putting the heavy items in the moving truck first. Although the plants will be heavy, they will also be messy, and need a lot of immediate care to ensure they donโ€™t get damaged. So use your judgement when deciding where to place them in the moving truck.

And, while weโ€™ve also mentioned putting your essentials, like clothes and toothbrushes in your moving truck last (or with you in the car), be careful not to allow the dirt or wetness of the plants to affect those items youโ€™re going to need on your first night in your new home.

For local moving, there is a way to move from one backyard garden to another!

If you are moving within North Vancouver, the best way to transport your favourite flowers is to place them in a temporary pot or planter. This way, you can replant them right away upon arrival! However, you will have to be very careful with the roots and keep the moving to a minimum.

How to handle planters during your North Vancouver move

Plants already living in large planters are one of the things that should be fine in a moving truck. However, you may still want to replant some that are too heavy. One good tip is to fill half the planter with packing peanuts in order to reduce some of the weight.

Mobile gardens: your best friend for Vancouver moving

If you are thinking of moving to or from North Vancouver anytime in the future, it might be worth it to get creative and make a mobile garden. These are not only incredibly easy to move place to place, but they are very unique and will add something special to your yard. There are a few basic types of mobile gardens. Try looking for ideas on Pinterest to find a style you like!

A garden on wheels makes Vancouver moving easy

Transferring your garden to something with wheels will make it easy to move in Vancouver, and will add a personal touch to your new garden if decide to keep it when you arrive. Wheelbarrows are a great option for this, but try experimenting with wagons, an old barbeque, or even try building your own planter with wheels!

Handles make moving planters from house to house a piece of cake

Another mobile option is replanting your garden in things that have handles. For example, a hanging planter will give your flowers a great, portable new home. Baskets are also aesthetically pleasing and make a planter that is easy to put together. Donโ€™t forget to look around your house for things that could be repurposed, like an old toolbox or large mug!

Build a garden on a bike to enjoy during your move and beyond

Bike gardens are a great way to bring your garden with you wherever you go. Check out this website for some great ideas to turn your bike into a portable garden! Although, this will require a bit more work for the take-down and setup when moving. Still a great option for being able to reposition your garden around a home, and for a great new look.

Your garden may be your pride and joy, and is something you donโ€™t want to leave completely behind! So keep these tips in mind, and good luck creating a new beautiful plant sanctuary in your next home.

Moving Tips

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