Moving in Vancouver with young children: what to do before moving day

Moving in Vancouver with kids: tips for before moving day

As a child, did you grow up moving from house to house in Vancouver? Do you think it affected you positively or negatively? Whatever the advantages or disadvantages of moving may be, the process should be handled with care. In this article, our Vancouver moving company wants to discuss some things you can do before moving day, to make the process easier on your children.

Preparing for your move in Metro Vancouver with your children as early as possible

Having to move in Vancouver with little notice is stressful for any adult out there. The more notice and time you have to plan and execute a move, the better. This is the same with children. Let them know about your decision to move as soon as possible. This will afford more time for them to process their emotions about it, and get used to the idea.

Involving your children in the moving process as early as possible

It is also important to involve your children right at the beginning of the move. Often times, children are stressed about moving because they feel they have no say in the decision to move. They may feel that they are not in control of their environment, which can upset children as much as adults. By involving them in the process, you are showing them that you value their thoughts and opinions.

Involving your children in the moving process can happen much earlier than packing time. Show them pictures of potential houses you are considering. Tell them what you are looking for, and ask them what things they may want in their new room (a new wall colour? A new bed?). When you are viewing potential properties in the Metro Vancouver area, bring your children along. Ask them their opinions. Give them your opinion. Let them consider where they think each piece of furniture will fit. Give them time to freely speak about their concerns. This will allow them to feel that they are needed and are part of this family decision to move.

Plan ways to get familiar with your new Metro Vancouver community

Once you have decided where your new Metro Vancouver home will be, do as much research as you can as early as you can. You and your kids will benefit much from this.

For example, a good way to give your children more opportunities to make friends is to enroll them in fun programs offered in the community. Sports, day camps, reading clubs, or drawing classes are some good examples. This is where early research will be needed. If you are moving in the summer, you may need to register for these programs well before the season starts. Sports teams that run throughout the school year may close their registration well before the playing season.

To get your children familiar with the school they will be going to, it may be wise to enroll them into summer day camps or fun classes that happen in their future school. This way they will learn to navigate around the school before the school year begins.

Contact Ferguson Moving

For all your moving and storage needs, please contact us at 604-922-2212 or visit us online today!

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