Relocating to an EMF-free zone in Canada

Richmond movers discuss relocating to an EMF-free zone in Canada

What is an EMF-free zone? EMF stands for electromagnetic frequency. And people are claiming health problems because of it. Why? Our Richmond BC Movers explain more on the subject below.

What are EMF zones, and will you find them in Canada if you move here?

First of all, EMF zones are everywhere on the planet nowadays. Weโ€™ll get to that. So yes, you will find them in Canada. In fact, if youโ€™re concerned about them, your search should be to just look for the opposite type of place to move to: EMF-free zones. But know this is rare.

Radio frequencies (included in electromagnetic frequencies) are powering our modern world. Microwaves, cell phones, electric conductors, wifi – it all uses this technology (or rather, the discovery of this technology). This web page lists the ways you can be exposed to EMFs, according to proponents of the theory that it is unsafe.

While mainstream health experts (like Health Canada and the World Health Organization) say there is no harm to humans from this these frequencies, others disagree. People have claimed health symptoms like numbing, breathing problems, anxiety and more. And these symptoms miraculously go away when the exposure to EMFs goes away. While these people are acknowledged as being ill, medical professionals are unable to scientifically diagnose the condition as coming from Wi-Fi or other electronic frequencies.

Sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) are calling themselves โ€œrefugees.โ€ They are looking for places to relocate to. Sometimes, theyโ€™re claiming a loss of jobs or ability to go to school or work because of the illness. And, since theyโ€™re not usually online, their new communities can be hard for others to find, even if they do exist.

EMF-free zones for relocation in Canada, or in the world are going to be rare

This article explains the few places left on earth to not find Internet, and youโ€™ll see that itโ€™s really rare. Aside from satellites, Google is now sending giant balloons in the airto make sure everyone has Internet! It also mentions the only Internet โ€˜safeโ€™ spots are likely going to be in deep caves or deep seas. Not very practical for human living, if youโ€™re looking for a new place to move to.

Public Wi-Fi is becoming popular in many cities. And, if you want to travel, youโ€™re going to have problems with this too. People are already complaining about the lack of Wi-Fi free zones on BC Ferries. Also, if you want modern utilities, youโ€™ll likely be facing smart metres, which are being rolled out across homes in B.C. as we speak. And yes, there are complaints about the EMFs from those too.

And, as noted above, EMFs are not just a Wi-Fi issue. They power our modern world – literally.

Where to find an EMF-free zone in Canada if you want to relocate?

There are a couple options for relocating in Canada to an EMF-free zone.

Find a city or community to move to, that is declaring itself EMF-free

There are some sites listing EMF-free zones to move to, or even just to vacation in. These two sites have world lists, and some are in B.C., Canada:

In short, these are:

  • Errington, B.C. (on Vancouver Island, near Nanaimo)

  • Cedar Rock (near Osoyoos B.C.) – this one is mainly for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), but is said to be helpful for those with EHS too.

  • Horsefly, B.C. (North of 100 Mile House, B.C.)

A Facebook group has been set up to discuss the challenges of EMF-free living, and you may be able to find more communities or zones there: (itโ€™s a private group, so you have to join to participate).

The other option, as some have done, is to move to the mountains or the woods, far away from civilization. This does, of course, present its obvious challenges.

You may have to relocate internationally to find a good EMF-free zone

The most famous โ€œNational Radio Quiet Zoneโ€ in the media is in Green Bank, West Virginia. Itโ€™s an old spy town that limits radio frequencies to research purposes. People have flocked there to protect their health from EHS. However, as this blogger noted, it comes with both pros and cons. One major con is a lack of jobs, since it is so isolated. And, remote jobs usually require Internet.

Some projects are being conducted in other USA cities to help provide a sanctuary for those suffering from sensitivities to EMFs. See links above for more on those.

And of course, the sites above also list some overseas communities that are becoming EMF-free.

After you move, you can turn your home into an EMF-free zone with products on the market

Yes, there is a market for these products. There are even inspections you can have done on your home to find where these frequencies are coming from to harm you. sells products and offers tips for making your home – and lifestyle – safe from EMFs. Another site we found for these types of products is Ironically, you need the Internet to use these sitesโ€ฆ

The good thing is, there may be a way to limit your exposure to EMFs if you guard your home, and still want to live in a major city.

Richmond movers conclude: relocating to an EMF-free zone in Canada is not going to be easy, or likely for most

Since mainstream society does not seem too keen to be sympathetic to the suffers of EHS, itโ€™s unlikely it will get easier to find these EMF-free zones to relocate to Canada. However, thatโ€™s not to say more people will catch on the trend, and start their own communities where you can relocate in Canada to avoid EMFs. Keep in mind though, this may mean a big life change, as many long-distance moves usually are. Being far from family, or your job, could mean that staying in โ€˜regularโ€™ cell-phone, Wi-Fi and smart metre areas will be necessary.

Call Ferguson Moving & Storage in Richmond BC

If you’re an EMF refugee and moving to an EMF free location on Vancouver Island, Osoyoos, 100 Mile house, or anywhere else in Canada, know that we are a Canadian moving company that you can trust. Give Ferguson Moving and Storage a call at 604-922-2212 or request a quote online through our website!

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