Tips from movers in North Vancouver: How to prepare for moving into a boat or yacht

How to prepare for moving into a boat or yacht

As movers in North Vancouver, we love the coast just as much as anyone else here. This is why we think moving onto a boat is such a great idea! Of course, if you have the will for it! Whether you are retiring and fully moving onto a boat, or taking a couple years off from work and stashing your things in North Vancouver storage to go exploring, we can help you prepare for your move.

Before you even contact moving companies in North Vancouver, start downsizing

You will need to follow tips for downsizing just as if you were moving into a smaller house. According to Visit My Harbour, getting rid of your stuff is the number one thing to do when moving from a house into a 300 to 500 square foot boat. This also applies to appliances, as they can be quite heavy, and are not always necessary. So start early, and be ruthless! You usually need a lot less than you think.

Check out our tips for downsizing from movers in North Vancouver:

Have a yard sale or talk to a local charity about donating prior to moving in North Vancouver

Especially if you are moving from a North Vancouver home after many years, you will most likely have many things to get rid of after downsizing. Before bringing anything in decent condition to the dump, try having a yard sale, or ask local charities if they could use any of the things you have to offer. Donating your used belongings or donating the proceeds of your yard sale will not only help others in need, but itโ€™s better for the environment and you donโ€™t need to haul anything to the dump!

Check out storage companies in North Vancouver

You will have small quarters while living on a boat, so you will want to invest in North Vancouver self storage to keep the rest of your belongings safe. Even though you will be downsizing and getting rid of stuff, there will still be things you want to hang on to that might not fit on your boat. Since you will be looking into long-term North Vancouver storage, make sure you go with a company that ensures a temperature-controlled space to protect your belongings.

Check out these other blog posts about storage in Vancouver:

Prepare for your North Vancouver move by researching

Before moving from North Vancouver into a boat, be sure to research about both the vessel you will be living in and the places you plan on travelling to. While you will adhere to the laws ofย your country when on international waters, once you come within 12 nautical miles of the shore of another country, you are subject to their law. Therefore, it is a good idea to research what applies to where you are going, especially if you will be travelling around a particular area or country for a while. If you are planning on staying in one place for an extended period of time, start researching marinas and docks to rent or buy well in advance.

Once you leave life on land behind, you can fully enjoy the simplicity and serenity of sea life. However, to make living on the water easy, it is important to do everything you can to prepare yourself and your belongings. By relying on storage companies in North Vancouver to take care of your belongings, and having movers in North Vancouver carry out your move, you and your belongings will be all set to sail off to sea.

Moving Tips

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