Tips from Surrey movers on how to fix up your walls before moving

As you begin the process of moving in Surrey, it is inevitable that you will notice some wear-and-tear on your walls that wasn’t there when ...
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Advice from a cross-country Canadian moving company on Quebec moving day

Advice from a cross–country Canadian moving company on business promotion during Quebec’s moving day If you haven’t heard, thousands of Quebecois residents had to move ...
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Cool Pinterest hacks for moving in Richmond BC

Cool Pinterest hacks found by Richmond movers We formerly wrote about reasons you’d want to move to Richmond, B.C. But, amidst the busyness of a planning ...
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Movers in North Vancouver give ideas for preparing and moving garden plants

When thinking of relocation and moving to or from North Vancouver, it may be difficult to leave behind a beautiful home you have put a ...
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Surrey movers exploring Langley housing options: what we found

So, the Vancouver Giants are moving to Langley, did you hear? If even sports teams are doing it, it kinda makes you wonder if YOU ...
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What makes a good moving truck

Finding a good moving truck for your Vancouver move When you are moving in Vancouver, the top of your checklist for moving will no doubt ...
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Our 18 most visited moving articles in 2016 so far (from our Vancouver movers blog)

Keep in mind some of these moving articles were published recently, and so the fact they made it to this list part way through the year ...
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Cons of buying and moving to a private island in Canada

Buying and moving to an island in Canada: Part 2, the cons Last week we talked about why you’d want to buy a Canadian island and move there, even ...
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Pros of buying and moving to a private island in Canada

Buying and moving to an island in Canada: Part 1, the pros You may be surprised to hear that it’s possible to buy your own island. ...
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IKEA hacks for moving

IKEA Hacks by Vancouver Movers Guide  If you’re an IKEA buff like, you may know most of what we’re going to talk about already. But for ...
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